Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Flux是人工智能初创公司 Black Forest Labs 在过去几周发布的AI图像生成器,它已迅速成为同类工具中最强大和最受欢迎的工具之一,甚至可以与市场领导者 Midjourney 竞争。

与Midjourney不同的是,Flux 是一种开源模型,可以在本地或 Freepik、NightCafe 和 Hugging Face 等一系列平台上下载和运行。

为了确定 Flux 是否达到了真实感和准确的人物描绘的中期水平,喜好儿提出了 5 个描述性提示,并在这两个提示上运行它们。喜好儿正在使用通过Pinokio AI 安装程序安装的 ComfyUI 生成 Flux 图像。




Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好


Midjourney 和 Flux 都受益于描述性提示。为了准确地从模型中得到你想要的东西,最好不仅描述人物,还描述风格、灯光和结构。

喜好儿在下面列出了每个提示词/描述词,供大家自行尝试,如果您没有 Midjourney 或 Flux,这些也应该适用于 Ideogram、 ChatGPT 中的 DALL-E 3或其他 AI 图像平台,但是,除了 Ideogram 之外,没有一个能够达到Midjourney或通量。

第一个测试将生成复杂皮肤纹理的需求与动态环境(即专业厨房)结合起来。提示要求一位 50 多岁的女性正在准备饭菜。


1. 厨房里的厨师

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Midjourney 生成

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Flux 生成


A seasoned chef in her mid-50s is captured in action in a bustling professional kitchen. Her salt-and-pepper hair is neatly tucked under a crisp white chef's hat, with a few strands escaping around her temples. Her face, marked with laugh lines, shows intense concentration as she tastes a sauce from a wooden spoon. Her eyes, a warm brown, narrow slightly as she considers the flavor. The chef is wearing a spotless white double-breasted chef's jacket with her name embroidered in blue on the breast pocket. Black and white checkered pants and slip-resistant clogs complete her professional attire. A colorful array of sauce stains on her apron tells the story of a busy service. Behind her, the kitchen is a hive of activity. Stainless steel surfaces gleam under bright overhead lights, reflecting the controlled chaos of dinner service. Sous chefs in white jackets move purposefully between stations, and steam rises from pots on industrial stoves. Plates of artfully arranged dishes wait on the pass, ready for service. In the foreground, a marble countertop is visible, strewn with fresh herbs and exotic spices. A stack of well-worn cookbooks sits nearby, hinting at the chef's dedication to her craft and continuous learning. The overall scene captures the intensity, precision, and passion of high-end culinary artistry.


2. 退役宇航员

我们有一个在学校的场景。在这里,喜好儿要求人工智能模型生成一位 60 多岁的退休宇航员,进行有关太空的演讲。他身体健康,描绘着美国宇航局的标志。海报、引言以及观看他讲话的人们都很好地描述了背景。

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Midjourney 生成

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Flux 生成


A retired astronaut in his late 60s is giving an animated presentation at a science museum. His silver hair is neatly trimmed, and despite his age, he stands tall and straight, a testament to years of rigorous physical training. His blue eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as he gestures towards a large scale model of the solar system suspended from the ceiling. He's dressed in a navy blue blazer with a small, subtle NASA pin on the lapel. Underneath, he wears a light blue button-up shirt and khaki slacks. On his left wrist is a watch that looks suspiciously like the ones worn on space missions. His hands, though showing signs of age, move with the precision and control of someone used to operating in zero gravity. Around him, a diverse group of students listen with rapt attention. Some furiously scribble notes, while others have their hands half-raised, eager to ask questions. The audience is a mix of ages and backgrounds, all united by their fascination with space exploration. The walls of the presentation space are adorned with large, high-resolution photographs of galaxies, nebulae, and planets. Inspirational quotes about exploration and discovery are interspersed between the images. In one corner, a genuine space suit stands in a glass case, adding authenticity to the presenter's words. Sunlight streams through large windows, illuminating particles of dust floating in the air, reminiscent of stars in the night sky. The entire scene is bathed in a sense of wonder and possibility, as the retired astronaut bridges the gap between Earth and the cosmos for his eager audience.


喜好儿把这个交给 Flux。它之所以获胜,是因为它的皮肤纹理和人类真实感与《Midjourney》相当或略好,但整体图像结构要好得多,包括更真实的背景人物。


下一个提示要求两个AI图像生成器显示一位 30 多岁的街头音乐家在繁忙的城市角落表演,沉浸在音乐的瞬间。部分提示需要包含一个欣赏的路人、吉他盒里的硬币以及主角身后模糊的城市生活。

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Midjourney 生成

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Flux 生成


A street musician in his late 30s is frozen in a moment of passionate performance on a busy city corner. His long, dark dreadlocks are caught mid-sway, some falling over his face while others dance in the air around him. His eyes are closed in deep concentration, brows slightly furrowed, as his weathered hands move deftly over the strings of an old, well-loved acoustic guitar. The musician is wearing a vibrant, hand-knitted sweater that's a patchwork of blues, greens, and purples. It hangs loosely over distressed jeans with artistic patches on the knees. On his feet are scuffed brown leather boots, tapping in rhythm with his music. Multiple colorful braided bracelets adorn his wrists, adding to his bohemian appearance. He stands on a gritty sidewalk, with a battered guitar case open at his feet. It's scattered with coins and bills from appreciative passersby, along with a few fallen autumn leaves. Behind him, city life unfolds in a blur of motion: pedestrians hurry past, yellow taxis honk in the congested street, and neon signs begin to flicker to life as dusk settles over the urban landscape. In the foreground, slightly out of focus, a child tugs on her mother's hand, trying to stop and listen to the music. The scene captures the raw energy and emotion of street performance against the backdrop of a bustling, indifferent city.



由于老年人的皮肤纹理更加复杂,生成老年人的图像对于AI图像生成器来说总是很困难。在这里,喜好儿想要一位 80 多岁的女士在屋顶花园里照料植物。该图像描绘了场景的元素,包括攀爬的藤蔓和金色的夜光,城市天际线在喜好儿的园丁身后若隐若现。

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Midjourney 生成

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Flux 生成


An elderly woman in her early 80s is tenderly caring for plants in her rooftop garden, set against a backdrop of a crowded city. Her silver hair is tied back in a loose bun, with wispy strands escaping to frame her kind, deeply wrinkled face. Her blue eyes twinkle with contentment as she smiles at a ripe tomato cradled gently in her soil-stained gardening gloves. She's wearing a floral print dress in soft pastels, protected by a well-worn, earth-toned apron. Comfortable slip-on shoes and a wide-brimmed straw hat complete her gardening outfit. A pair of reading glasses hangs from a beaded chain around her neck, ready for when she needs to consult her gardening journal. The rooftop around her is transformed into a green oasis. Raised beds burst with a variety of vegetables and flowers, creating a colorful patchwork. Trellises covered in climbing vines stand tall, and terracotta pots filled with herbs line the edges. A small greenhouse is visible in one corner, its glass panels reflecting the golden evening light. In the background, the city skyline looms large - a forest of concrete and glass that stands in stark contrast to this vibrant garden. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the scene, highlighting the lush plants and the serenity on the woman's face as she finds peace in her urban Eden.


《Midjourney》再次因其纹理质量而获胜。戴着手套的手指有点困难,但比 Flux 好。这并不意味着 Flux 的形象不好,但它不如 Midjourney 好。



Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Midjourney 生成

Flux 与 Midjourney 对比测试,看看哪个 AI 图像生成器最好

Flux 生成


A young paramedic in her mid-20s is captured in a moment of urgent action as she rushes out of an ambulance on a rainy night. Her short blonde hair is plastered to her forehead by the rain, and droplets cling to her eyelashes. Her blue eyes are sharp and focused, reflecting the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles. Her expression is one of determination and controlled urgency. She's wearing a dark blue uniform with reflective strips that catch the light, the jacket partially unzipped to reveal a light blue shirt underneath. A stethoscope hangs around her neck, bouncing slightly as she moves. Heavy-duty black boots splash through puddles, and a waterproof watch is visible on her wrist, its face illuminated for easy reading in the darkness. In her arms, she carries a large red medical bag, gripping it tightly as she navigates the wet pavement. Behind her, the ambulance looms large, its red and blue lights casting an eerie glow over the rain-slicked street. Her partner can be seen in the background, wheeling out a gurney from the back of the vehicle. In the foreground, blurred by the rain and motion, concerned onlookers gather under umbrellas near what appears to be a car accident scene just out of frame. The wet street reflects the emergency lights, creating a dramatic kaleidoscope of color against the dark night. The entire scene pulses with tension and the critical nature of the unfolding emergency.


AI图像生成器都没有赢得这一轮。两者都已经褪色并出现“塑料”面部纹理,这可能是由照明问题造成的。 《Midjourney》与场景描述的匹配程度稍好一些。


这对 Midjourney 来说几乎是一场压倒性的胜利,这主要是由 Midjourney v6.1 在皮肤纹理渲染方面所做的改进所导致。

它并不像相片上看起来那么清晰,尽管在许多图像中 Flux 具有更好的整体图像结构并且在背景方面也更好。喜好儿还发现 Flux 比 Midjourney 更符合文本渲染——但这个测试是关于人和创建真实的数字人类。

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